Friday, June 20, 2008

Departmental Exam 2

Friday, July 3 from 11:30 to 1:30

This exam consists of various reading passages and 20 multiple-choice questions with 4 possible answer choices. Each question is worth 1 point.

Section 8: Classroom...(to be posted)
Section 18: Classroom ...

Book Reviews

Mon, ___

Follow these instructions:

  • Read the information about book reviews on pp. 44-47.
  • If your student ID ends in an even number do the exercises of p. 50 based on the reading of pp. 51-52 The road to reality: A complete guide to laws of the universe.
  • If your student ID ends in an odd number do reading and exercises of pp. 48-50 Holes in a final theory?
  • Type only your answers using font 12, double space. (No cover.)
  • Print out both sides of the page * and turn it in on ___ or before.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Departmental Exam 1

Friday, May 29 from 11:30 to 1:30

This exam consists of various reading passages and 20 multiple-choice questions with possible answer choices. Each question is worth 1 point.

Sections 8 & 18: AUL113

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


  • Post your general questions or comments here.
  • Remember that my consultation hours are in my office EGE 209-D on Thursdays from 1:30 to 2:30 pm or upon schedule for another time.


Instructions and relevant information regarding assignments will be posted on this section.

About posting comments...

Click image to enlarge.
When posting a comment or question, please remember:
  • Make your comment on the appropriate section (unit 1-2-3-, lab session, general questions or assignements).
  • Identify your coments like this: name_lastname_section#

Lab Session 4 - Fossil Interpretation

Tuesday, June 22

Lab Quiz 2 (5%) - Units 3 & 4

Section 8 will meet in the Big Lab at 10.30 am.

Section 18 will meet in the Big Lab at 11.30, then go to the classroom at 12.30 pm. (EGE-221)

Prepare your vocabulary list, read the script and complete the post-reading exercises.

Lab Session 3 - Neanderthals on Trial

Tuesday, June 8

Section 8 will meet in the Big Lab at 10.30 am.

Section 18 will meet in the Big Lab at 11.30, then go to the classroom at 12.30 pm. (EGE-221)

Prepare your vocabulary list, read the script and complete the post-reading exercises.

Unit 3 - Artificial Intelligence


Lab Session 2 - Dark Energy and Dark Matter

Tuesday, May 25
Lab Quiz 1 (5%) - Units 1 & 2

Section 8
will meet in the Big Lab at 10.30 am.

Section 18 will meet in the Big Lab at 11.30, then go to the classroom at 12.30 pm. (EGE-221)

Prepare your vocabulary list, read the script and complete the post-reading exercises.

Unit 2 - Evolution


Lab Session 1 - The Redshift

Tuesday, May 11

Section 8 will meet in the Big Lab at 10.30 am.

Section 18 will meet in the Big Lab at 11.30, then go to the classroom at 12.30 pm. (EGE-221)

Prepare your vocabulary list, read the script and complete the post-reading exercises.

Unit 1 - The Universe

Reading Quiz 1 (13%) -Thur, May 14

This quiz will:

  • Consist of the readings of Unit 1.
  • Have 13 items in multiple choice format.
  • Evaluate your ability to recognize the rethorical functions discussed in class and summarize the main idea of the texts.

Check the links of the Related Links section of this blog for additional information on the topic of this unit The Universe.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Evaluation & Grading Plan


The dynamics of the class requires that you come to class prepared, that is:
  • Do a pre-reading of the material at home.
  • Number the reading paragraphs.
  • Underline or highlight new vocabulary.
  • Look up new vocabulary in your dictionary.
  • Complete the exercises and answer the questions.

Post-reading activities will be done in class (individually or in groups) and will include:

  • New vocabulary discussion (meaning & interpretation).
  • Exercise and answer revision.
  • Questions and discussions on specific comprehension of the texts.

Course Calendar

Click image to enlarge.


  • Reading Selections for ID1-113, April 2009
  • Available at REPRODUCCION XEROX USB (BsF. 20).


Al finalizar los cursos ID1-111, ID1-112 e ID1-113, el estudiante estará en capacidad de leer con precisión y fluidez textos de carácter científico, utilizando la estrategia más apropiada para sus propósitos en un momento dado.

La guía de ID1-113 comprende un número de textos completos que enfocan temas similares desde diferentes puntos de vista o con distintos procedimientos metodológicos. En este curso, se le pedirá al estudiante hacer una lectura de tipo crítica. El estudiante leerá estos textos con el propósito de:
  • Explicar la argumentación, organización y secuencia de un texto determinado.
  • Emitir juicios sobre la validez de la información contenida en un texto en base de criterios tales como el desarrollo lógico, la coherencia y la pertinencia de los ejemplos.
  • Emitir juicios sobre la validez de la información contenida en un texto al evaluarla en base a criterios externas, como por ejemplo, opiniones de autoridades en la materia u otras fuentes de reconocida autoridad.
  • Comparar artículos en cuanto a las ideas presentadas, secuencia de estas ideas, coherencia lógica, capacidad de persuasión y actualidad.
  • Resumir la información contenida en diversos textos referentes al mismo tópico.
  • Reevaluar un determinado texto en base a nueva información sobre el mismo tópico.
  • Predecir las posibles consecuencias de la información presentada en uno o más textos.