Monday, July 6, 2009

Final Grades

Final grades will be given on Tue 7 as follows:

  • Section 8 : EGE221 at 11:30am
  • Section 18: EGE221 at 12:00m

Make-up reading quizes for both sections at 11:30.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Departmental Exam 2

Friday, July 3 - 11:30 to 1:30

This exam consists of various reading passages and 20 multiple-choice questions with three possible answer choices. Each question is worth 1 point.
Sections 8 & 18: AUL113

Monday, June 15, 2009

Guidelines Book Reviews - Group Act. 4 (2%)

  • Work with the same group.
  • Use book excerpts assigned in class. pp. 48-52
  • Answer questions on page 50
  • Print your paper using Arial 12, double space. (No cover.)
  • Submit you book review in class July 2.

Guidelines - Group Activity 3 (2%)

  • Work with your usual group.
  • Appoint a Speaker. (He/She will send your team’s report to me by email.)
  • Section 8: Glossary Unit 2 - Evolution.
  • Section 18: Glossary Unit 3 – Artificial Intelligence.
  • Make a ten-word draft list and submit for approval.
  • Make your glossary list using Arial 12. Cite your sources.
  • Send it to by June 30.
  • Both glossaries will be posted in our class blog before the Departmental Exam.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Our Class!!

Week 9

Tuesday, June 16

  • The Eyes, the Brain and the Computer pp. 106-109
  • Reflections on Brains, Computers pp. 111-113
  • Guidelines Group Activity #3 (Glossaries Blog - 2%) Due date: June 30.
Thursday, June 18
  • Will Robots Inherit the Earth? pp. 114-118
  • Guidelines Group Activity #4 (Book Reviews - 2%) Due date: July 2.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Grades Section 8

Click image to enlarge.

Grades Section 18

Click image to enlarge.

Week 8

Tuesday, June 9

  • Lab Session 3 : "Neanderthals on Trial"
  • The Search for our Ancestors pp. 88-90
  • Groups Activity #2
Thursday, June 11
Reading Quiz 2 (14%)
  • Introduction Unit 3 - Artificial Intelligence
  • What is Al? pp. 104-105

Monday, June 1, 2009

Week 7

Tuesday, June 2
  • The Search for our Ancestors (Part I) pp. 79-83

Thursday, June 4

  • The Search for our Ancestors (Parts II, III & IV) pp. 84-94

Monday, May 25, 2009

Week 6

Tuesday, May 26
Lab Quiz 1 (5%)
  • Lab Session 2 / "Dark Energy & Dark Matter"
  • Spores in Space p 59
  • Panspermia Theory pp. 60-61

Thursday, May 28
  • How Life Began to Live pp. 62-65
  • Biology: Evolution pp. 66-69

Monday, May 11, 2009

Week 4

Tuesday, May 12
  • Lab Session 1 (Check posting about this below on this blog).
  • Galaxies host Quasars pp. 29-31
  • Echoes of the Big Bang pp. 35-39

Thursday, May 15

Reading Quiz 1 (RQ1)

  • Alternatives of the Big Bang pp. 40-41
  • Abstracts and Book Reviews pp. 43-52

Monday, May 4, 2009

Week 3

Tuesday, May 5

  • Cosmology pp. 5-7
  • The Doppler Effect pp. 10-14
  • The Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation pp. 15-19

Thursday, May 7

  • Lookback time pp. 22-28
  • Galaxies host quasars pp. 29-31
  • Echoes of the Big Bang pp. 35-39

Friday, June 20, 2008

Departmental Exam 2

Friday, July 3 from 11:30 to 1:30

This exam consists of various reading passages and 20 multiple-choice questions with 4 possible answer choices. Each question is worth 1 point.

Section 8: Classroom...(to be posted)
Section 18: Classroom ...

Book Reviews

Mon, ___

Follow these instructions:

  • Read the information about book reviews on pp. 44-47.
  • If your student ID ends in an even number do the exercises of p. 50 based on the reading of pp. 51-52 The road to reality: A complete guide to laws of the universe.
  • If your student ID ends in an odd number do reading and exercises of pp. 48-50 Holes in a final theory?
  • Type only your answers using font 12, double space. (No cover.)
  • Print out both sides of the page * and turn it in on ___ or before.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Departmental Exam 1

Friday, May 29 from 11:30 to 1:30

This exam consists of various reading passages and 20 multiple-choice questions with possible answer choices. Each question is worth 1 point.

Sections 8 & 18: AUL113

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


  • Post your general questions or comments here.
  • Remember that my consultation hours are in my office EGE 209-D on Thursdays from 1:30 to 2:30 pm or upon schedule for another time.


Instructions and relevant information regarding assignments will be posted on this section.

About posting comments...

Click image to enlarge.
When posting a comment or question, please remember:
  • Make your comment on the appropriate section (unit 1-2-3-, lab session, general questions or assignements).
  • Identify your coments like this: name_lastname_section#

Lab Session 4 - Fossil Interpretation

Tuesday, June 22

Lab Quiz 2 (5%) - Units 3 & 4

Section 8 will meet in the Big Lab at 10.30 am.

Section 18 will meet in the Big Lab at 11.30, then go to the classroom at 12.30 pm. (EGE-221)

Prepare your vocabulary list, read the script and complete the post-reading exercises.

Lab Session 3 - Neanderthals on Trial

Tuesday, June 8

Section 8 will meet in the Big Lab at 10.30 am.

Section 18 will meet in the Big Lab at 11.30, then go to the classroom at 12.30 pm. (EGE-221)

Prepare your vocabulary list, read the script and complete the post-reading exercises.

Unit 3 - Artificial Intelligence


Lab Session 2 - Dark Energy and Dark Matter

Tuesday, May 25
Lab Quiz 1 (5%) - Units 1 & 2

Section 8
will meet in the Big Lab at 10.30 am.

Section 18 will meet in the Big Lab at 11.30, then go to the classroom at 12.30 pm. (EGE-221)

Prepare your vocabulary list, read the script and complete the post-reading exercises.

Unit 2 - Evolution
